The Medipally police have arrested two notorious criminals, who resorted to four chain snatchings and two vehicle thefts. They were identified as Edulakunti Naveen, 21, of Hakeempet, Tolichowki, Golconda mandal and Karipe Raju alias Raju alias Durga, 27, of New Tulasiram Nagar, Golnaka, Amberpet.
In the wake of a series of chain snatchings and vehicle thefts in the Medipally police limits, the police intensified patrolling round-the-clock to apprehend criminals. The efforts of the Medipally police bore fruit with the arrest of the two criminals near Boduppal on Friday. During interrogation, the four cases of chain snatchings and two cases of vehicle lifting came to light.
At the instance of the accused, 10 tolas of gold ornaments and two motorcycles, all worth Rs 4.3 lakh was seized.
The investigation was done under the supervision of M. Ravichandan Reddy, ACP, Malkajgiri Division. Rama Rajeshwari, Dy. Commissioner of Police, Malkajgiri Zone, appreciated the good work of the cops. (NSS)