Hyderabad: Hyderabad Task Force on Monday nabbed two notorious snatchers, Chakali Ravi, and Chakali Anjaneyulu, both accused of committing three chain snatching offenses in Hyderabad and Cyberabad areas.
Anjani Kumar, Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad, said: “The sleuths of Commissioner’s Task Force, West Zone, apprehended two notorious snatchers–Chakali Ravi and Chakali Anjaneyulu. They seized gold ornaments worth Rs 3,00,000, one Bajaj Pulsar and two mobile phones from their possession.”
According to Kumar, one month back both the accused planned snatching in Balanagar to make money easily. In the month of January, Anjaneyulu purchased a Bajaj Pulsar bike and later started surveying the area to commit chain snatching.
They targeted women in isolated areas. Within a span of 17 days, from February 20 to March 7, the accused committed three chain snatchings. One in SR Nagar area, and two others in Kukatpally.
Both the culprits were apprehended by West Zone Task Force team after they came to SR Nagar to sell the stolen gold ornaments.