Two biopics on Kishore Kumar in the offing

Mumbai, April 28: One takes a comprehensive look at his life, the other focuses on the great love of his life

The battle of the Kishore Kumar biopics is on, in full ‘sing’. Even as Anurag Basu gears up to make his Kishore Kumar film (with Ranbir Kapoor), Shashanka (Quick Gun Murugan) Ghosh is not in any mood to put aside his own plans of a KK biopic (if Aamir Khan gives the nod).

Why me?
Apparently, Ghosh was supposed to make the biopic for UTV but they had a fall-out and the UTV-Kishore Kumar project went to Anurag Basu.

“Why should I set it aside?” he asks. “Every filmmaker would have his own take on Kishore Kumar. We’ve all been brought up on his films, music and art. And we all see him in different ways.”

Different takes
The QGM director has been working feverishly on his project. He says, “In fact, I’ve been reading up and writing on Kishore Kumar in bed. My film would be as different from Anurag’s as my Quick Gun Murugan was from Anurag’s Gangster.”

Also — and here comes the vital difference — unlike Anurag Basu’s biopic which would take an arching macro-cosmic look at Kishore Kumar’s life as a singer, composer, filmmaker, husband and father, Ghosh’s film will focus only on one aspect of Kishore Kumar’s life — his love for Madhubala.

Reveals Ghosh, “I will concentrate on Kishoreda’s love for a woman he married knowing she would die in a few years. This was a love like no other. This is the side of Kishore Kumar that has gripped me.” Ghosh’s film will be produced by Samir Gupta and his production concern Cinema Capital. Gupta adds, “It’s a free country. We started work on our Kishore Kumar biopic a few years ago. The script has gone through four drafts and we’re very confident of doing justice to this genius of a man’s life. We’re certainly going ahead with our film.”
