Two batches of Telangana pilgrims reach Makkah

Hyderabad. The Chairman of the Telangana Haj Committee Mohammed Saleem said on Tuesday that two batches of Telangana pilgrims reached Makkah safely and performed Umrah and now they devoting most of their time in prayers in Haram Shareef. 

Two batches of pilgrims numbering 754 Average Jeddah by special Saudi Airlines flight.   The pilgrims performed Umrah as soon as they reached Makkah and they came out of Ihraam (Hajj/Umrah dress) and now they are staying in the buildings allocated to them.  Special buses are pressed into service to take them to Haram Sharif at prayer Times.

Mohammed Salim spoke to “Khuddam ul Hujjaj” (Guides in service of Pilgrims) and officials of the Indian mission to get details about the pilgrims.  He told the Khuddams to render better service to the pilgrims and constantly be in touch with the Haj Committee.  Three Khudams accompanied the pilgrims who are currently in Makkah. According to them, the Telangana pilgrims are exceptionally devoting their time in prayers in Haram Sharif.  

The volunteers and officials of the Indian Hajj Mission are at the service of the pilgrims to attend to their needs.

The Telangana Hajj Committee Chairman gave a breakdown of the Telangana pilgrims reaching Makkah: From Hyderabad 472 pilgrims, Rengareddy 139, Medchal 73, Nalgonda 44, Medak 18, Sidipeth 16, Vanparti 11, Bhongir 12, Jangaon and Sangareddy 4, Warangal Urban 3, Gadwal 2 and Rural Warangal 1. 

Mohammed Salim said that a control room has been set up in the Hajj Committee office which is operating round the clock.  The pilgrims and their relatives can contact the control room to seek any information. 

Meanwhile, Executive Officer B Sahiullh informed that the third batch of the pilgrims shall depart for Jeddah at 4 am today from RGIA.  This batch was transported to the Airport from Hajj House by buses last night. The RT-PCR test of this batch has been completed.