Mumbai: Actor Fardeen Khan, son of late veteran actor Feroz Khan is currently trending on twitter. The ‘Chocolate boy’ hero of ‘No Entry’ is being the victim of trolls for his weight gain.
Known for his good looks and perfect chiselled body, Fardeen was almost every girl’s crush but now no girl wants to come closer to him for the fear of being crushed.
These recent pictures of Fardeen, 42, spotted with a potbelly and a double chin made the Hey Baby actor almost unrecognisable.
Twitter wasted no time in targeting Fardeen with funny or insensitive memes.
Anant Ambani's loss is Fardeen Khan's gain.
— BaBa (@BabaBakChod) May 20, 2016
Log naraz hoke muh fulaate hai, fardeen khan ne khudko fulaa liya
— Virender Singh (@vickypleeze) May 20, 2016
However, there some who came in support of the actor and spoke up for Fardeen and asked people to not indulge in body shaming.