Washington: The micro-blogging social media giant Twitter is conducting a survey to find out whether world leaders on the platform should be subject to the same rules as others.
According to The Verge, the Facebook-owned company Twitter is conducting a survey from March 19 to April 12 stating that it “wants to know whether or not [the public] believe[s] world leaders should be subject to the same rules as others on Twitter.”
The review gives users a list of speculative situations and potential actions they should make. It likewise asks questions such as whether pioneers should confront more, less, or similar amount of scrutiny as other accounts and if it’s alright for the platform to boycott a president or prime minister in action.
The Verge reported that Twitter’s present standards for world leaders were set in October 2019, but a lot has occurred from that point forward.
In January 2021, Twitter prohibited the then-US President Donald Trump for his tweets encouraging the Capitol crowd. The ban followed a long time of the platform attempting to sort out some way to manage him and other world pioneers from Venezuela and Brazil tweeting deception about COVID-19.
The company also says it will consult “human rights experts, civil society organizations, and academics” from all over the world. Twitter also plans to release the survey in 14 different languages, but it’s currently only available in English. If you’d like to weigh in, you can take the survey.
The organization additionally said that it will counsel ‘human rights experts, civil society organizations, and academics from all over the globe in this regard.
Twitter is also planning to deliver the survey in 14 distinct languages, yet it’s currently only accessible in English.