Noida: A 23-year-old girl, Anjali Rathour was shot dead on Wednesday at Shatabdi Rail Vihar, a residential area in Sector 62 of Noida. She was working as a trainee engineer with mobile manufacturing company Lava.
The techie was a native of Jagadhri near Yamuna Nagar in Haryana. The CCTV camera installed near the elevator has captured the incident taken place at 6.34 am in the morning.
She was taken to a hospital after her friend spotted her bleeding profusely, the hospital declared her brought dead. Her dead body has sent for the postmortem, OneIndia reported.
Graduated from Lovely Professional University in Jalandhar in 2016, placed in Lava from the campus last June was about to get a promotion in June this year.
Police said the friend had called her at 6.05am, after which she came down from her apartment. Her family members suspect that it could be a friend hailing from Uttar Pradesh who may have killed her. He had studied with her at the University and the call records had his number.