Hyderabad: Chief financial officer of TV9 news channel Murthy today appeared before the Cyberabad CCS sleuths in connection with a criminal case filed against him and tv.9 CEO Ravi Prakash.
Murthy drove straight into the office of the Cyberabad Police Commissioner and appeared before investigating officials in compliance with a notice issued to them under Section 160 of CrPC. The police booked criminal cases under various penal sections against Ravi Prakash, Murthy and Tollywood actor Shivaji for resorting to forgery and cheating, following a complaint from Alandha media firm, which had purchased tv.9 news channel.
CEO of tv9 news channel Ravi Prakash and Shivaji didn’t appear before the police despite notices. Murthy was facing allegations that he had not only committed forgery, but also stole hard disks and files from the tv.9 office after the Alandha media bought it.