TV star,84, jailed for sex assaults in Britain

An 84-year-old Britain-based entertainer and TV presenter was jailed for five years and nine months after being found guilty of indecently assaulting four girls over nearly 20 years.

Rolf Harris, who is an Australian, was found guilty of 12 assaults, including seven against his daughter’s childhood friend.

The victims included an eight-year-old autograph hunter and the 13-year-old friend of his daughter, the Guardian reported Friday.

Unless released earlier, Harris will serve half the total jail sentence – some of the individual sentences are to be served consecutively and others concurrently – and will be released on licence for the remainder of the sentence, judge Justice Sweeney said.

As Harris stood to hear the sentences, there was no reaction from him or members of his family. His wife Alwen did not attend.

A jury at Southwark crown court, London, Monday unanimously found Harris guilty of the 12 charges of indecent assault.

Before a packed courtroom Friday, Sweeney told Harris: “You have shown no remorse for your crimes at all. Your reputation now lies in ruins, you have been stripped of your honours but you have no one to blame but yourself.”