Washington, September 18: Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will fly to the United States on Monday to participate in the 64th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York and the G-20 summit in Pittsburg.
Representatives of 192 member states will participate in the UN General Assembly, while 130 countries will be represented by heads of state and government and almost 50 others will be represented by ministers.
Besides Erdogan, Turkish State Minister & Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan, State Minister and chief negotiator for European Union (EU) talks Egemen Bagis, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek and parliamentarians will represent Turkey in the meetings.
Erdogan will attend a high-level meeting on climate change on Tuesday. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon will chair the meeting.
On Thursday, Erdogan will deliver a speech about Turkey’s views on international topics and UN. Later, Erdogan will attend a Security Council meeting on disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, presided by U.S. President Barack Obama.
Erdogan will proceed from New York to Pittsburg the same day to participate in G-20 summit.
The Turkish prime minister will return to New York on Friday, and hold a number of bilateral meetings including talks with Ki-moon and heads of state and government of 20 countries.
Erdogan will participate in the summit of Friends of Pakistan Group, the ceremony to celebrate 40th anniversary of establishment of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), an activity to be organized by Clinton Global Initiative, and a conference of the Federation of Balkan American Associations.
The Turkish prime minister will give two conferences at the Princeton University, and the Levin Institute, and meet Turkish citizens living in and around New York.
Erdogan will present a medal of state to spouse of Ahmet Ertegun, the Turkish-American co-founder and executive of Atlantic Records, in a reception. Ertegun lost his life in 2006.
Prime Minister Erdogan is expected to depart from New York on Saturday, September 26.