The head of Israel’s intelligence agency, Mossad has warned the country that Turkey is a much bigger threat to the country than Iran. It said Iranian power is fragile while the real threat is from Turkey.
As reported by The Times, Roger Boyes, Yossi Cohen of Mossad made these comments while talking with his Egyptian, Emirati and Saudi counterparts.
Elaborating Cohen’s point Boyes said though Iran doesn’t cease to be an existential menace but it could be contained, through sanctions, embargoes, intelligence sharing and clandestine raids. Turkey’s coercive diplomacy, however, poses a different kind of challenge to strategic stability in the eastern Mediterranean, he said.
Saying that NATO “has lost its healing magic” the article noted that it no longer remained a force that could keep Greek and Turkish relations stable.
Boyes claimed that Turkey under Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan “flirts with war” and that “the constant search for enemies and scapegoats exhausts even his supporters, and has left him almost friendless in the region.”
He added that in his mad drive to control the East Mediterranean and Middle East, Erdogan has picked up enemies in every corner. He enjoys support only from Qatar, Azerbaijan and the expired Government of National Accords based in the Libyan capital of Tripoli and whose mandate to rule from the United Nations expired in December 2017. Greek City Times reported.