Hyderabad: The entire state is abuzz with the news of the revival of TSRTC bus services. A final decision is likely to be taken on the issue during a meeting of the management of the corporation with the Chief minister of the state KCR on May 15.
The Authorities of the corporation have said that the chief minister would take a final decision on the issue . The state transport minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar has also responded on the issue and said that the state government would take a final decision on the issue very soon. He also said that they were preparing a special action plan on how to run the services in the wake of coronavirus outbreak.
The minister has however made it clear that there wouldn’t be any conventional form of traveling in their buses as part of their plans . He said that they wouldn’t allow passengers to travel in their buses by standing or sitting together. He also revealed that they had paid 50 percent of the salaries of the employees so far