TSPSC Group 1 prelims results likely to be released soon

Hyderabad: The results of the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) Group 1 prelims conducted last month are expected to be released in the first week of the upcoming month.

Before the announcement of the results, the commission will release the final key of the prelims, which is expected next week.

As per reports, after considering the objections raised on a few questions of the prelims, the final key will be released on Monday or Tuesday.

Following the announcement of the TSPSC Group 1 prelims results, 25,150 candidates will be declared successful for the main examination, as the commission is going to follow a 1:50 ratio, i.e., for every vacancy, 50 candidates will be allowed to write the main examination.

The successful candidates are likely to get 45-60 days to prepare for the main examination.

For the prelims examination, 380,081 candidates registered, and out of them, 233,506 appeared in the exam for 503 TSPSC group 1 posts, which include 121 Mandal Parishad Development Officers, 91 Deputy Superintendents of Police, 48 Commercial Tax Officers, 42 Deputy Collectors, 41 Municipal Commissioners – Grade – II, and 40 Assistant Audit Officers.

Once released, the results of TSPSC group 1 prelims will be made available on the official website of the commission (click here).