TSPSC Group 1 prelims results likely to be announced in 10 days

Hyderabad: Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) is gearing up to release Group 1 prelims results within the next 10 days. The commission may conduct the main examinations in April next year.

Though the commission is expected to conduct the TSPSC main examinations in April, the dates will be finalized after taking the schedule of intermediate public exams, SSC public exams, NEET, and other competitive examinations into consideration.

TSPSC Group 1 prelims results will shortlist 25150 candidates

Earlier, TSPSC made it clear that there will be no cutoff marks in TSPSC prelims to qualify for mains. The number of candidates who will be admitted to the mains will be 50 times the total number of vacancies available in each multi-zone. The rule of the reservation will be followed.

As the commission had notified 503 vacancies under Group 1, after the TSPSC prelims results, a total of 25150 candidates will continue their journey for mains.

After the completion of TSPSC mains, verification of certificates will take place. As there is no interview round for TSPSC group 1, candidates will be selected based on their scores in the main examinations.

TSPSC Group 2, 3, 4 notifications

Apart from completing the Group 1 recruitment process, TSPSC is likely to issue Group 2, 3, and 4 notifications soon as the government recently gave nod to fill vacancies in various government departments across the state.

The commission is in the final phase of finalizing the notification of group 2 posts. It is expected that the notification for 728 vacancies under group 2 services will be released by the end of the current month.