TSPSC bangles row: VHP asks Group IV women candidates to protest

Hyderabad: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal warned the Telangana State Public Service Commission against asking Hindu women to remove bangles, nose rings, and earrings during the Group IV exam scheduled on Saturday.

Pagudakula Balaswamy, Campaigner, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Telangana said that by asking women candidates to remove bangles and other ornaments while entering the exam centre the TSPSC is hurting the sentiments of Hindus.

“Officials don’t even touch Muslims, for hijab or burka, and are enthusiastic in asking Hindu women to remove their ornaments. The women should revolt against the authorities if they are asked to remove the jewelry at the exam centre,” said Balaswamy.

He further said that wherever anyone has any problem they can contact Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal.

Balaswamy said recently, in a college in Santoshnagar when the college management asked a student to remove the hijab while writing the exam, the State Home Minister Mohd Mahmood Ali himself got involved and took action against the college management.

Similarly, in a school in Hayat Nagar, a case was filed against the principal of a school for asking girls to take off the hijab during the examination.