Hyderabad: With an objective to promote Urdu language, Telangana State Urdu Academy is arranging Urdu classes during the summer vacation. Reading and writing of Urdu language will be taught.
In a statement released by TS Urdu Academy, Mr Mohammed Abdul Waheed Director/Secretary Telangana State Urdu Academy stated that Urdu summer classes are being conducted by the Telangana State Urdu Academy in Telangana sate. He told that the camp will run for one month.
Telangana State Urdu Academy will provide books of the course, necessary material and one month honorarium of one teacher to each sanctioned camp.
Mr Waheed told that educational institutions running under Urdu madaris and societies can submit their applications to the Director/ Secretary Telangana State Urdu Academy by April 16. The application can also be handed over personally at the head office of Telangana State Urdu Academy, 4th floor Hajj House Nampally, Hyderabad.