Hyderabad: The Director of School Education, Telangana State, today announced the time schedule for the TS-TET—2016. April 9 is the date of Examination and the results will be declared on April 23.
In a press release, the Director said that payment of Fees at TS Online or payment gateway is from February 29 to Mar4ch 14, 2016; download of TS TET Information Bulletin, detailed notification, etc—February 29 onwards; Online submission of application through http://tstet.cgg.gov.in is from March 1 to 15; Help Desk services on all working days (during the office hours) is from February 29 to April 9; Receiving of Complaints pertaining to Online application from February 29 to March 14; and Downloading of Hall Tickets is from March 30 onwards.
The examination will held on April 9—Paper One from 9.30 to 12 noon; and Paper two from 2.30 pm to 5 pm. (NSS)
TS-TET Time Schedule Announced