Telangana Government plans to start eight Cancer Screening and treatment centers across the state in coordination with TATA Trust. This was informed by Health Minister Dr C Lakshma Reddy after a meeting with officials of TATA Trust at Secretariat. The government has taken a decision to set up eight cancer centers with MNJ Hospital in the city being apex body he said. TATA Trust has come forward to extend technical, equipment and other support for the purpose he said.
The Cancer Screening and treatment centers will be coming up each one at Mahabunagar Medical College, Warangal Kakatiya Medical College, Adilabad RIMS, Nizamabad Medical College, Khammam, Karimnagar and Nalgonda districts. On finalising the modalities the government will move ahead to set up them the health minister said. Tata Trust delegates attended the meeting include Srinivas, Abhishek and Mrinalini. (NSS)