HYDERABAD: The hall tickets for the preliminary written test to be held on August 26, 2018, for recruiting SCT SI (Civil) in the Telangana State Level Police Recruitment Board have been released.
Candidates who have applied for this post can download their hall tickets from 8:00 am on August 16 onwards till 12:00 midnight on August 24, 2018, from the official website www.tslprb.in and entering their credentials.
After downloading the Hall Tickets, candidates are advised to take a printout of the same, preferably on A4 size paper on both the sides (so that the Hall Ticket is available on a single sheet paper). Though it is not mandatory to take the printout in colour.
Paste your passport photograph on the admit card printout at the designated place provided in the left-bottom area of the first page of the Hall Ticket, as without the photograph you will not be allowed to appear for the examination.