Director General of Police Anurag Sharma on Wednesday said that the Telangana Police was fully equipped and prepared to foil terror attacks like the one that occurred in Paris.
Speaking in the Meet The Press programmed organised by Telangana State Union of Working Journalists, the DGP said that the intelligence wing of Telangana police was highly active and more equipped compared to other States. Therefore, the State police would foil any attempt by the terror groups to disturb peace. The Octopus wing too is keeping an eye on terror-related threats.
He said there has been no change in policy of State Police towards Maoists. He said Maoist does not believe in Constitution and democracy and therefore, there is no place for such elements in Telangana State.
The DGP informed that nearly 15,000 posts are lying vacant in Telangana Police after bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh. He said the vacant posts would be filled soon and candidates with expertise in latest technologies would be given preference. He said 33% reservation was being provided to women in all police recruitments. He also informed that one lakh CCTV cameras were being installed across the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad for proper surveillance. While 18,000 cameras were being installed by the State Government, other cameras were being installed in coordination with private institutions.
Anurag Sharma said eminent institutions like Indian School of Business (ISB) were being hired to assess the performance of Telangana Police.
Indian Journalists Union Secretary General D. Amar, senior journalist Srinivas Reddy and Union’s State Secretary Warahat Ali and others were also present. (INN)