The Telangana State Police Recruitment Board has said in a press note today that candidates who are provisionally selected as Stipendiary Cadet Trainee (SCT) Police Constable (Civil)/AR) (Men & Women, Police Constable (SAR CPL/TSSP) (Men) in Police Department, constable (Men) in Special Protection Force (SPF) Department and Firemen in Telangana State Disaster Response & Fire Services Department -2015 who have attended for PMT/PET at Cyberabad-I , 8th Bn., Kondapur, Ranga Reddy District, have to report along with their original certificates and set of one Xerox copies duly attested by a Gazetted Officer from March 8 to 10 at CTC, Gachibowl, Cyberabad. They have to fill up Attestation Forms in their own hand–writing and submit the same after getting attested/signed by a Gazetted Officer. Further, they have to appear for medical examination.
The list of candidates who have to report is also available with their Registration Numbers on the website of TSLPRB, Hyderabad.
All the candidates are requested to follow the above schedule. The candidates shall down load intimation letters from 10 AM on March 7 filling their Registration numbers and their SSC Hall Tickets. If any candidate fails to report for submitting Attestation Forms or to attend Medical examination his/her selection will be cancelled.(NSS)