TS Inter exams: Students find mistakes in question papers

Hyderabad: Inter second year students found mistakes in question papers of the exams conducted on Thursday.

As per students, question number 8 in Political Science (Civics) paper-II exam was different for English and Telugu versions of question papers.

The question in the Telugu version wanted students to describe the home rule movement in the Indian Independence struggle whereas, in the English version, it was “Point out the main provisions of the Independence of India Act, 1947”.

Mistakes were also found in the Urdu version of the Mathematics IIA question paper. Instead of “Zarbi”, “Farji” was mentioned in question number 1 of section-A. In section B, the “Theek” word was extra in question number 20.

The Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education (TSBIE) corrected both the mistakes by immediately sending errata instructions to students.

Over 21K students remained absent for TS inter exam

Meanwhile, over 21 thousand students remained absent for the inter exam on Thursday.

Out of 4,39,171 students registered for the exams, 4,17,295 attended.

During the examination, 12 cases of malpractice were booked. Out of them, seven took place in Vikarabad, four in Nagarkurnool, and one in Peddappli.

TS inter results likely to be released by June 24

The results of the intermediate examinations are likely to be released by June 24.

Students who want to take admission through TS EAMCET need not have to worry about the percentage of marks in inter exam as earlier it has been announced that this year, the students who are appearing in the entrance test will be awarded ranks based on their performance in the test alone.

The 25 percent weightage for intermediate marks will not be considered while allotting TS EAMCET ranks.


This year, the entrance test will be held from July 14 to 20 for agriculture and medicine courses whereas, July 18, 19, and 20 are the dates of the entrance test.

The last date for the registration of the entrance test (Without a late fee) is May 28. Interested persons can apply online at the TSCHE website (click here).