Panchayat Raj Minister K. Tarakarama Rao on Monday announced that the Telangana Government would extend credit facility to different women groups and entrepreneurs across the State.
Speaking to media persons after holding a review meeting with the officials of Women’s Welfare Department at the State Secretariat here, KTR said that the government has set a target of disbursement of loans of Rs. 1,050 Crore to different women’s groups. They include DWCRA and other SHGs. Further, he said women entrepreneurs would be extended all required help. He said that a monitoring committee would be constituted to review the status of loan disbursement on regular basis.
KTR said that Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao has directed all the ministers to hold meetings, twice a month, with the officials concerned to review the status of implementation of different welfare schemes. He said that the State Government would ensure that the benefits of various welfare schemes reach each and every deserving beneficiary. (INN)