Hyderabad: Government to Telangana issued a GO on 10th September inviting applications from Muslim students studying PG courses in foreign universities of selected countries. Each such student will get Rs. 20 lakh non-refundable scholarship.
The last date of online registration is 12th October. Students who have sought admissions in foreign universities between January 2017 and June 2017 and also the students who are going to be admitted in foreign universities before December 2017 are eligible for this scholarship. These scholarships are available for the students studying in 5 countries, namely; US, Canada, Australia, England and Singapore.
Mr. M.A. Hameed, Career Counselor of Siasat Urdu Daily and Mr. Asad Mohiuddin Khalid of Siasat Helpline have requested the eligible Muslim students to avail of this facility.
–Siasat News