Panchayat Raj Minister K. Tarakarama Rao on Friday said that the Telangana Government was keen to extend Hyderabad Metro Rail project to Old City and a survey has already been initiated.
Speaking to media persons after participating in the trial run of Metro Rail from Nagole to Mettuguda, KTR said that the Metro Rail would be launched in the Old City without causing any damage to the heritage structures. He said that the government was planning to expand Metro Rail to a stretch of about 155 KM. He said Metro Rail project would be expanded up to 83 KM in the second phase which included 13 KM stretch between Miyapur to Patencheruvu, LB Nagar – Hayathnagar (7 KM), Nagole-LB Nagar- Falaknuma- Shamshabad (28 KM).
KTR hoped that the Metro Rail would completely change the outlook of Hyderabad.
Deputy Chief Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali, Ministers T. Padma Rao and Talasani Srinivas Yadav also accompanied KTR during the trial run. (INN)