The Telangana Government on Monday accorded Rs. 1900 crore drinking water project in GHMC area to M/s. Larsen & Toubro Limited, Chennai.
The State Government has approved the recommendation of 136th Tender Committee of Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (HMWSSB) and accorded permission to the Managing Director, HMWS&SB to entrust the work of “Water supply distribution network project for the peripheral circles of GHMC- Construction of RCC Service Reservoirs and Providing Inlet, Outlet and Distribution network in Alwal, Kapra, Uppal and Ramachandrapuram Circles – Package-I” to the successful bidder M/s.Larsen & Toubro Limited, Chennai.
The State Government, in October last year, had accorded administrative sanction for the proposal of “Water Supply Distribution Network Project for the Peripheral Circles of GHMC” at an estimated amount of Rs.1900 Crores with funding of Rs.1700 Crores HUDCO Loan and Rs.200 Crores through State Government budgetary support and directed the HMWSSB to take further necessary action.
The HMWS&SB had invited online bids in November 2015. On receipt of bids, the technical evaluation reports were placed before the 136th Tender Committee of HMWSSB. The Tender Committee of HMWSSB approved the 1st lowest bidder and had sent the recommendation to the State Government which has been approved today. (INN)