Government of Telangana has announced to give Urdu the status of 2nd official language in all districts of Telangana. How far the announcement and assurance are being put into practice can be construed by looking at Telangana State Election Commission Logo.
Besides Telugu and English another language has been included in State Election Commission Logo which is supposed to be Urdu, but declaring it Urdu is a sheer mockery of Urdu language. Instead of engaging the services of an expert Urdu-knowing person, Google Urdu converter has been used to write in Urdu script and the resulting matter has been used in the logo. Various Urdu alphabets have been assembled to form the matter. Even if all the alphabets are joined together the words can’t be read as Telangana State Election Commission.
Say it the negligence of officials or their lack of interest in Urdu. Whatever may be the reason but a government institution has made mockery of Urdu language.
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