TS: 25 lakhs youth enrolled for government jobs

By Mohammed Hussain Ahmed

Hyderabad: The TS government announcement to fill up 50 thousand vacancies lead to optimism among the State’s youth.  Till now 25 lakh youths have enrolled their name on Telangana Public Service Commission introduced ‘One Time Registration’ (OTR).  They include 15 lakhs men and 10 lakh women.  About 1,81,820 youths of other states too enrolled in OTR.

As far the age group of the those applied, the number of those is in the group of 20 is  7,32,182;  and those between 21 – 25 their number is 8,71,577;  the number of those in 30 age group is about 5 lakhs; the number of those between  31  is 35 is 2,34,160, and the number of those in 36 – 40 is more than one lakh.

In terms of educational degrees, Engineers constitute the largest number at 4,27,324; and the number of those with B.Sc. degree is 4,14,166;  those with BA degree is 2,55,689;   those with B.Com (Gen) degree is 1,99,084;  those with B.Com (computer) degree is 1,49,745, and the number of those with MBA degree is 1,02,954.

In terms of the district, Karimnagar tops the list with the highest number of those enrolled with 3,02,618 candidates, Warrangal takes second place with 2,89,273 candidates and United Nallgonda is third with 2,82,202 candidates. 

Among the 25 lakhs enrolled, about 5 lakhs are working in private organizations and the remaining 20 lakhs are unemployed.