Washington: U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to delay his decision of imposing tariffs on European Union (EU) auto imports for another six months.
Trump had previously given U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer 180 days to make trade agreements with the EU and Japan in regard to auto and auto part imports, saying they were a threat to national security.
Trump is likely to announce the decision on auto tariff this week as the deadline is approaching on Wednesday. However, no such deal has been reached with the EU as the countries did not allow agricultural products to be put on the negotiating table, reported The Hill citing a report by Politico.
While speaking to reporters on November 8, Trump said the US has yet to agree to tariffs.
“They’d like to have a rollback,” the President said. “I haven’t agreed to anything. China would like to get somewhat of a rollback, not a complete rollback because they know I won’t do it, “CNN reported.
Trump’s decision comes at a time where he is already in the midst of trade negotiations with China, in a trade war that has lasted more than a year.