Hyderabad: Telangana Congress Chief Revanth Reddy on Friday slammed Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao for his statement about merging the two states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and said that it is a conspiracy by KCR and CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy to end the separate statehood granted to Telangana and merge it into AP.
He added that Congress would fight against the conspiracy.
“KCR statement and YCP leader Perni Nani statement– they wanted to merge the two states Telangana and Andhra Pradesh once again. We are not ready to accept that proposal,” Reddy told ANI.
“At the TRS plenary they did not install the Telangana Talli statue instead there was a Telugu Talli statue and moreover KCR statement about spreading his party in AP and Perni Nani welcoming KCR to unite with Andhra Pradesh, so put together, CM KCR and Jagan are cooking a conspiracy against Telangana people,” added Reddy.
He further said, “Telangana is a reality just because of the Congress party and its president Sonia Gandhi. We are fighting for a cause, the Congress party is the creator of Telangana and the protectors of Telangana”.
“It is our responsibility to fight moral and political decisions that are going against Telangana. We are there if someone is conspiring against Telangana and fighting against the conspiracy says Congress MP,” he added.
“TRS party never condemned the proposal made by the YCP Leader Perni Nani or reacted upon the statement. So it is very clear there is a conspiracy and sabotages the Telangana people. Telangana people are very emotional and they will take serious steps against the KCR family,” he added.
Reddy while addressing a press conference said, “National Green Tribunal has given a stay on the Palamur Ranga Reddy project. This decision is literally against Farmers. KCR is not trying in favour of farmers”.
“When there was a protest going on at tank bund to reconstruct the secretariat we filed a petition in NGT, at that time Tushar Mehta, solicitor general had taken up the case and took the case to the Supreme Court and put forward the case details. But now KCR should bring a good lawyer so that the case will be heard in favour of farmers,” he added.
“Congress party demands that this issue should be taken to the Supreme Court and the central government should clear the environmental pending projects. Both Kishan reddy and Bandi Sanjay should go to the centre and bring the permission for Palamur Rangareddy project, if not they won’t be allowed to the villages. TRS and BJP are looting the farmers and they will be taught lessons by the farmers,” he added.