Hyderabad: TRS leaders Balka Suman and whip Karne Prabhakar today slammed the congress leaders for making false allegations on IT Minister KT Rama Rao of owning a farm house in Janwada.
The TRS leaders have asked the Congress leaders Uttam Kumar Reddy to discourage MP, A Revanth Reddy who is noted for cash for vote case and allegedly involved in land grabbing cases.
Talking to press persons at TRS legislature party office here, they hit out at Congress MP Revanth Reddy for false charges and personal criticism on KTR.
They demanded national leadership of the Congress whether they need leaders like Revanth Reddy with bad track record. The TRS leaders warned that they will expose misdeeds of the Congress who have illegal properties in Ranga Reddy district and elsewhere. Congress senior leadership V Hanmanth Rao has said that their party leaders own properties in that location which are violating norms, they said.
Based on a congress petition, national green tribunal has issued notices to KTR on the farm house charges.
In addition to setting up an expert committee, the tribunal has asked the state government to submit a report in two months. The TRS leaders made it clear that KT Rama Rao did not own the property as being charged by the Congress.