Krishna Sagar Rao Chief Spokesperson BJP Telangana State today alleged that the TRS Government will not survive its complete term because of utter misgovernance centered around family dynastic rule corruption and total fascist unilateralism.
Addressing a press conference here today at the State office Mr. Krishna Saagar Rao along with BJP leaders Kolli Madhvi and Sudhakar Sharma said that KCR Government had completely failed in keeping up its promises and also was engulfed with corruption and fascist unilateralism. He said that as people had given the second term to KCR hoping of good governance but has let them down completed. It is several months since he came to power but the MLA’s and Ministers are totally disillusioned and unhappy.
So also the people who are equally unhappy. Wondering who was getting benefitted with KCR’S Governance barring his family members Mr. Krishna Sagaar Rao said that the unhappiness can be percolated to the fact that there is a clear exodus from TRS to BJP. He cited the example of Jitender Reddy and many TRS leaders who joined the Party yesterday. Stating that many were unhappy with TRS Mr. Krishna Sagaar Rao alleged that he was not tackling peoples problems, as a result, there is the difference within the Party.
The BJP will not only campaign against the KCRs anti people’s policies and the failures of KCR Government to keep up its promises on July 25 and 26 BJP will stage dharna in all 136 Municipalities against the Government’s failure on providing double bedroom houses as promised.
To express the BJP’S disillusionment against anti people’s policies the BJP will stage dharna on July 30 in all Municipalities and will also protest against the huge corruption that is going on in the KCR Government he added.
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