Abdul Jani, a 35-year-old Telangana Rashtra Samithi party activist from Nalgonda died on his way to attend Pragati Nivedana Sabha at Kongara Kalan, after falling from an overcrowded DCM van at Abdullapurmet.
He along with several other activists from Madaram village in Nalgonda district started to attend the TRS party meeting in a DCM van. When the van reached Abdullapurmet, as he was standing at the edge, he slipped and fell down the road. He received a severe head injury and died on the spot.
This incident was noticed by the other activists and was alerted to the van driver to stop the van and then informed the Abdullapurmet police, who shifted the body to Osmania General Hospital mortuary and booked a case against the driver for causing death due to negligence.
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