Hyderabad: Shayara Bano, the petitioner who had filed a plea in Supreme Court to ban Triple Talaq is all set to join the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The 40-year-old Uttarakhand woman met BJP state president Ajay Bhatt on Friday with her father Iqbal Ahmed and expressed her interest to join the party according to a HT report.
Shayara Bano was given triple ‘talaq’ by her husband soon after she filed a petition in the Supreme Court for a ban on triple talaq, polygamy and nikah halala in February 2016.
Earlier in August, in a historic judgement the Supreme Court had ruled that the practice of divorce through triple talaq among Muslims is “void”, “illegal” and “unconstitutional”.
BJP Uttarakhand president Ajay Bhatt. told HT that “She (Bano) visited us today. She is a global personality now and we would be more than happy to welcome her into the party.”
Shayara Bano earlier said, “After triple talaq I feel even ill practices like polygamy and nikah halala should be banned in our society. The way in which women are tortured in the name of these ill-practices should be stopped.”
“I will once again file petition to ‘ban polygamy’ and ‘nikah halala’ in the top court,” added Bano
Bano further averred that she will continue her fight against ill-practices among the Muslim.
“Similarly like triple talaq I would fight for the banning of ill-practices like polygamy and nikah halala. These types of practices should be abolished from the Indian society for the development of our country,” said Bano.
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