New Delhi: Wearing the right colour and the right style with the perfect blue denim is a must. Blue denims can be paired with a crisp sky blue shirt and also with a white collared shirt, says an expert.
Experts from American Swan, an online fashion brand, have shared some tips on how to team up your denims with the right coloured shirt or t-shirt:
* Blue denims for a summer swing: Pair up the combo of your blue denims with crisp sky blue shirt, leather loafers and a dark brown braided leather belt for an afternoon lunch.
* Blue denims on a winter night: Team up your cool denims with a shallow-collar cardigan, a white thermal Henley shirt, wingtip boots and a leather belt.
* Blue denims with white shirts: Blue jeans and a plain white cotton shirt is a classic. Tuck it in or out.
* Denims and blazers: Pair of black formal shoes, a stripped black and white Henley shirt with a light white coloured blazer, teaming it up with a blue denim would surely be a stunner.