Travels man arrested for raping minor girl

A 26-year-old driver with a travels agency in suburban Mumbai who allegedly raped a minor village girl in a tourist car here, has been arrested, police said today.

According to PI Ashok Amle of Murbad police station, the incident took place yesterday when accused Atish Shelar of Siddhivinayak Travels in Santacruz came down to Murbad for Ramnavami celebrations at one of his relative’s place.

There he lured the 15-year-old girl into his car and raped her yesterday afternoon. He also threatened the girl not to reveal the incident or else he would kill her, police said.

When the incident came to light, the girl’s family filed a complaint with the police who arrested him yesterday.

The accused has been charged under section 376 and 504 of the IPC and also sections 3 and 4 of protection of children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012, police added.