Hyderabad: In yet another tragic incident, a 20-year-old girl took extreme step after failing to get a job. She committed suicide by hanging herself.
According to the report published in The New Indian Express, Palaniswami Pragathi (20), a student of engineering final year committed suicide at her house in the absence of parents. This incident took place in HUDA Colony which falls under the jurisdiction of Meerpet Police Station.
As per the details provided by the police, Pragathi was at home while her parents had left for Tamil Nadu to attend a function. She used to have food at her uncle’s house who is also her neighbor.
When she did not come for dinner on Wednesday night, her uncle with the help of other neighbor broke open the door. After entering the house, they found the body of the girl hanging from the ceiling fan.
It may be mentioned that the girl has attended many job interviews.
Police suspect that the girl was depressed as she was not getting a suitable job despite attending many interviews.
Police registered a case and started investigation.