Hyderabad: TPCC chief official spokesperson Dr Sravan Kumar has urged the General Administration Department to provide information on blocking of web portal http://goir.telangana.gov.in by Telangana government under Right to Information Act-2005.
On Saturday, Sravan petitioned to the Public Information Officer, General Administration Department, Government of Telangana, Telangana State Secretariat. He also sought answers to his doubts i.e. from which date onwards the website http://goir.telangana.gov.in was in operation?; What are rules and guidelines that necessitated the Government to initiate and operate the web portal http://goir.telangana.gov.in?; Which department in the Telangana State government is authorised to update or upload the Government Orders and manage the website?; What is the name and designation of the authorized person, who is responsible for maintaining the website?; On whose orders, the website http://goir.telangana.gov.in was blocked so that the citizens can’t access the website?; Please provide the name and designation of such authority, who instructed to block the website http://goir.telangana.gov.in so that common citizens can’t access the website?; Please furnish the copy of the orders based on which the website is blocked?; What is the criteria classifying or categorising Government Orders as confidential and vice-versa?. (NSS)
TPCC seeks info. on blocking of govt web portal