Crash diet helps to lose weight rapidly in a short span of time. The goal is to reduce the daily calorie intake needs. This is an uncomfortable method to lose weight, but it gives the desired result in just a few days. Many follow this diet for various reasons. Some of these reasons include parties, engagements, dates, weddings, or other special events.
Crash diets work wonders if you want to lose specific weight till a particular date. The calorie intake restriction adds a lot of stress to the mind and body. Crash diets are less effective for long term weight loss. Below are some different crash diets that really work quickly. Along with this diet, it is also important to take multi-vitamin supplements every day.
Here is the top 10 crash diet for weight loss:
1. Juice Fast Crash Diet:
Juice Fast Crash Diet
Image: Shutterstock
This crash diet is similar to juicing diet. This trend became famous from the movie “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead”. In this diet, you are just allowed to consume vegetable and fruit juice for 60 days. This helps you lose tons of weight quickly. This is a healthy way to reduce weight. This doesn’t have any negative side effects like weight loss drugs. This diet recommends you to take 1200-1800 calories each day.
2. The Master Cleanse:
The Master Cleanse crash diet was populary followed by many famous celebrities including Janet Jackson, Robin Quivers, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Beyonce Knowles. Master Cleanse diet was developed in the 1940s and can help you lose 20 pounds of weight.
3. Fat Loss 4 Idiots:
This is also known as “Idiot Proof Diet” and can help you to lose 9 pounds in just 11 days. This diet has a basic theory to shift calories each day.
4. Cabbage Soup Diet:
The Cabbage Diet or Cabbage Soup Diet is the most followed crash diet. This can help you to lose 10-pound weight in just a week. This diet includes only consuming cabbage and cabbage soup. This cleanses your body system, as cabbage is high in fiber.
5. Grapefruit Diet:
Grapefruit Diet
Image: Getty
The Grapefruit Diet is used since 1930s. Some famous celebrities like Kylie Minogue and Brooke Shields followed this diet to lose weight. Grapefruits contain fat-burning enzymes that help to lose weight fast.
6. Hollywood Diet:
The Hollywood Diet can help you to lose 10 pounds of weight in just 48 hours. To follow this crash diet, you can only drink a special juice for 2 days. This can be purchased at the store that has a special mix of many juices and botanical extracts.
7. 7 Day All You Can Eat Diet:
This diet doesn’t make you feel hungry at all. For seven days, you are allowed to eat whatever you want from the given list, but in a limited amount. This diet can be monotonous, dissatisfying in terms of taste and bland.
8. Clean Program:
The Clean Program is a famous diet and detox plan among celebrities like Mariska Hargitay, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Demi Moore. This is the most convenient diet even for busy people. This is even used to treat various illnesses and detoxification. Breakfast and dinner are replaced by liquid meals and supplements.
9. 3-Day Diet:
The 3-day diet is very popular that helps you lose up to 10 pounds of weight. You can only eat that is approved in the list for 3 days. You can’t deviate, substitute or change the diet plan. This restricts your calorie intake, but is easy to follow.
10. Chicken Soup Diet:
Chicken Soup Diet
You have to take “The Chicken Soup Diet” regularly for 7 day. This allows you to only have breakfast and chicken soup. You have to eat as much chicken soup as you can and also prepare it the way you like.