Tomb of royal children identified near Egyptian Valley of the Kings

Excavations by Egyptologists from the University of Basel, close to the royal tombs in the Egyptian Valley of the Kings, have led to the identification of the burial place of several children as well as other family members of two pharaohs.

Basel Egyptologists of the University of Basel Kings’ Valley Project have been working on tomb KV 40 in the Valley of the Kings close to the city of Luxor for three years.

From the outside, only a depression in the ground indicated the presence of a subterranean tomb. Up to now, nothing was known about the layout of tomb KV 40 nor for whom it was build and who was buried there.

The Egyptologists assumed that it was a non-royal tomb dating back to the 18th dynasty. They first cleared the six meter deep shaft which gives access to five subterranean chambers and then recovered the countless remains and fragments of funerary equipment.

The scientists discovered mummified remains of at least 50 people in the center chamber and in three side chambers. Based on inscriptions on storage jars, Egyptologists were able to identify and name over 30 people during this year’s field season.

Titles such as “Prince” and “Princess” distinguish the buried as members of the families of the two pharaohs Thutmosis IV and Amenhotep III who are also buried in the Valley of Kings. Both pharaohs belonged to the 18th dynasty (New Kingdom) and ruled in the 14th century BC.

The analysis of the hieratic inscriptions (related to hieroglyphics) revealed that tomb KV 40 contains the mummified remains of at least 8 hitherto unknown royal daughters, four princes and several foreign ladies.

Most of them were adults, however, mummified children were also found. (ANI)