Hyderabad: Tollywood actor Ram Pothineni has been fined Rs 200 by Charminar police for smoking near historic Charminar. The actor who was shooting for his upcoming film ‘iSmart Shankar’ in the historical monument was found smoking in a restricted area.
The star was fined by the police under the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products Act (COPTA) 2003. Pothineni later paid the fine.
The actor will be next seen in ‘iSmart Shankar’, is a crime thriller directed by Puri Jagannadh.
ACP Charminar A Anjaih told that the star was spotted smoking after which he was booked under section 4 of COTPA Act and was levied a fine Rs. 200. It must be noted that smoking is prohibited under the limits of the 400-year-old historical monument. Authorities have recently declared the entire area ‘no smoking zone’.
With inputs from ANI