Municipal Administration Minister P Mahidhar Reddy on Wednesday informed that the State Legislative Assembly that the State Government has decided to impose toll tax on vehicles travelling on Outer Ring Road.
Toll rates fixed per kilometres during 2011-12 is Rs 0.82 for cars/jeep/van/LMV; Rs 1.33 for LCV/Mini Bus; Rs 2.79 for Bus/2-axle Truck; Rs 4.36 for heavy construction machinery/earth moving equipment trucks and Rs 5.32 for seven or more axle vehicles. The minister said that for the year 2012-13 and 2013-14, the toll rates were proposed to be increased by three per cent over preceding year.
Replying to a question raised by MLAs D Sudheer Reddy and Kuna Srisailam Goud, the minister said that tenders have been called for collecting the toll tax and the period for each agency would be 18 months. (INN)