Hyderabad: In view of Ram Navami festival, police made elaborate arrangements to cover Shobha Yatra Rally of 7 km which will start from Sitaram Bagh Temple. It will be addressed by Parveen Togadia, General Secretary, VHP International.
Hundreds of CCTV Cameras have been setup on the route of the rally. The 7 km rally has been divided into many sectors and for each sector, a senior police officer has been deputed.
Commissioner of Police of Hyderabad City, Mr. M. Mahinder Reddy has appealed to the people to cooperate with the police. The Ram Navami rally will start at 12 noon and would end at 8 p.m. Traffic restricts have been imposed on various routes. The teams of police are vigilant and they are reviewing the activities of the rowdy sheeters. Use of DJ is banned in the rally.
–Siasat News