Lucknow: The detectives from the National Investigation Agency (NIA) and UP Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS) on Saturday conducted a thorough search operation in the Assembly in their effort to look for clues with regard to the discovery of PETN (Pentaerythritol tetranitrate) that was found under the seat of an Opposition party legislator on Wednesday.
Instead, the sleuths found pouches of Gutka (pan-masala) and khaini (raw tobacco) in the seats. Which means the law makers- who banned the consumption of these items-themselves are not able to abide by the laws they make to be followed.
The empty pouches were reportedly found sticking up between the cushion and the seat. So the legislators had been consuming these articles inside the Assembly building and even while taking part in the proceedings, reports DH.
The explosive would be sent for re-checking to the Forensic Science Laboratory at Hyderabad. The investigating agencies were also likely to question some MLAs, including the one under whose seat the explosive was found, police sources said.
A high-level meeting of the officials was held here to discuss security threat to Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in the wake of the discovery of the explosive. The security in the UP house had been also tightened.
Adityanath had said on Friday that the incident might have been part of a conspiracy and that the terror angle could not be ruled out completely.