Chennai, Oct 31 : Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palaniswami on Saturday said educational, research institutions and hostels will be allowed to reopen from November 16. Announcing various other relaxations, he said the lockdown has been extended till November 30.
In a statement issued here, Palaniswami said schools will be allowed to function only for Classes 6-12 from November 16.
The Chief Minister said the suburban train services will be permitted to operate as per the Central government’s standard operating procedure.
Movie theatres are allowed to reopen from November 10, and function only with 50 per cent seating capacity, he said.
Religious functions, political meeting and others are also permitted from November 16, subject to a maximum of 100 persons.
Similarly, amusement parks, zoo, museum, conference halls are allowed to reopen from November 10 while gyms can allow people aged 60 years to exercise with other lesser aged ones.
Palaniswami said the lockdown with regard to swimming pool, beach, tourist spots and international flight would continue.
According to him, the relaxations are applicable only for non-containment zones.
He said the Covid-19 pandemic spread is getting reduced in the state and for the past seven days, the per day coronavirus infected person number has come down to 3,000.
The total number of Covid-19 patients in the state undergoing treatment are about 25,000.
Disclaimer: This story is auto-generated from IANS service.