Tamil Nadu’s top seed V A V Rajesh with an Elo rating of 2393 justified the top billing by wining the second Mother Chess Academy All India Fide Rating Tournament after aggregating eight points. He drew the last game with second seed S Ravi Teja (2304) of Vijayawada in 30 moves.
Meanwhile, Ravi Teja had to settle for the third spot as Tamil Nadu player Linda Ranga Rajan (2178) secured the second spot on better cumulative score.
The tournament, under the joint auspices of APCA and AVDCA, concluded at Prism Degree and PG College in Visakhapatnam today.
Former rector of Andhra University, Prasad Reddy, gave away the prizes. Top 15 places: 1 Rajesh V A V, 2 Linda Rangarajan, 3 Ravi Teja S, 4 Pavan B N B, 5 Krishna Teja N, 6 Chakravarthi Reddy M, 7 Raju M Y, 8 Malla Nooka Raju, 9 Nagaraju J, 10 Lakshman Rao D, 11 Lakshmi Krishna Bhushan D, 12 Polavarapu Ramakrishna, 13 Anusha N L V, 14 Karthik Gopal G, 15 Samuel Kumar. Best Unrated players: 1 Mahesh Kumar K, 2 Gopala Krishna B V, 3 Arun Kumar G, 4 Mourya K, 5 Sriram V V S S, 6 Srinivasa Rao Bayya. Under-8: 1 Rishith Susarla, 2 Sudeep Reddy P; U-10: 1 Erigaisi Arjun, 2 Cheela Naga Sampath; U-12: 1 Rakesh Kumar Jena, 2 Harshavardhan Bhaskar; U-16: 1 Hemanth Kumar, 2 Teja Suresh M; Best Veteran: 1 Bhaskara Rao Balaga, 2 Jayanth Kumar D; Best Physically challenged: Yesu Babu. K, Soundarya Kumar Pradhan. UNI