Chennai: Members of the Tamil Nadu unit of BJP on Thursday held a demonstration demanding action against the YouTube channel Karuppar Koottam under the National Security Act (NSA) for its allegedly obscene video about Tamil god Murugan and the prayer ‘Kanda Shasti Kavacham sung in his praise.
The protest was led by BJP’s Tamil Nadu President L. Murugan in front of his residence here while other leaders and members protested outside their homes across the state.
They held the pictures of Hindu god Murugan, son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi.
According to BJP leader Murugan, all those associated with the Karuppar Koottam YouTube channel should be arrested and booked under NSA for hurting Hindu sentiments.
Murugan said the purpose of the video was to create social unrest and law and order problems in the state.
He also demanded a ban on all anti-Hindu YouTube channels including Karuppar Koottam.