TMREIS invites applications for admissions

Hyderabad: B. Shafiullah, IFS, Secretary Telangana Minorities Residential Educational Institutions Society on Tuesday stated that online applications are invited from January 17 to 30 through TMREIS official website (click here) or through TMREIS Mobile App (which can be downloaded from Google Play store) from the eligible candidates from Minorities (Muslims, Christians, Parsis, Jains, Sikhs & Buddhists) and Non- Minorities (SC, ST, BC & OCs) communities for fresh admissions in Class V and Intermediate 1st Year and against backlog vacancies for Minorities in Classes VI, VII and VIII in Telangana Minorities Residential Schools & Junior Colleges across the State for the Academic Year 2023-24.

Criteria for selection: Minorities (Classes V, VI, VII & VIII). Non-Minorities (Class V) First-cum-first basis/lucky dip. Intermediate (for all categories): on merit based on GPA in SSC 2023.

The TMREIS Secretary requested the parents and students to utilize this opportunity and submit online applications on or before January 30 from any TMR institution in the State, or Internet center. For further clarifications, they can visit TMREIS’s official website or can contact the DMWOs office or the Principal of TMR Institutions in the State or contact on Helpline no. 040-23437909.