Kolkata: In a bid to counter the BJP’s social media campaign, West Bengal’s ruling Trinamool Congress on Sunday launched a new initiative to highlight the achievements of the state government and showcase how federalism is being allegedly eroded by the Centre.
The campaign – “Shoja Banglay Bolchi” (speaking in straightforward Bengali) will be a three days a week video series anchored by TMC’s Rajya Sabha party leader Derek O’Brien.
“One-minute video clips will be released at 11 am every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. The series is expected to run for the next few months on social media,” the TMC said in a statement.
The videos will highlight issues which are pertinent in the present social, political, and economic framework, it said.
“The videos will also focus on how Bengal, under Mamata Banerjee’s leadership, has made phenomenal progress in the last nine years across parameters. Other subjects include how federalism has eroded and how states have been deprived,” the statement added.
According to TMC sources, this social media campaign will be used to counter the BJP’s allegations about “fake news and rhetoric against the state government and the party”.
TMC supremo Mamata Banerjee on Thursday announced a major reshuffle in the party’s organisation as she gave leadership roles to younger and new faces and axed some old guards, with an eye on next year’s assembly elections in West Bengal.
The leadership changes within the party were expected amid growing challenge from the BJP, which has emerged as the main opposition party by winning 18 out of the 42 Lok Sabha seats in the state in 2019, bringing down the TMC’s tally to 22 from 34.