Mumbai: Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh is not only known for his energetic and power packed performance in his movies, but also his quirky sense of dressing has started a phenomenon across the nation. Ranveer Singh’s fashion today is poles apart from what it used to be when he first entered the industry.
Starting his career with films like Band Baaja Baaraat to career-defining films like Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela and the iconic Gully Boy, Ranveer surely has come a long way in Bollywood.
From playing a demure college-going boy in Gully Boy to the wild and crazy Khilji in Padmaavat, Singh is also known for his quirky and experimental style. He always manages to take his love for dramatic dressing a notch higher.
Ranveer who is known to turn heads with his every look, few days ago made his headlines on social media with some girly polka dots dress. However, what did shock us a little was one question that almost every other Twitter user asked Ranveer – ‘Is he wearing something from Deepika Padukone’s wardrobe’?
Ranveer Singh’s fashion
The heartthrob of Bollywood and our very favourite star has never been afraid of any fashion police. Ranveer Singh’s fashion style is all about expressing his personality through clothes that reflect his choices in life. Ranveer can make the boldest and unimaginable pieces of clothing seem high fashion.
When it comes to fashion, looks and dressing styles of Ranveer can never go wrong! Ranveer Singh’s fashion style is best known for the unusual taste. He always keeps experimenting his fashion sense.
Ranveer Singh’s quirky outfits
Today we are going to talk about the 12 most quirky outfits that Ranveer has worn and stunned everyone with confidence at its best.